The mushroom that we observe and eat is actually the fruiting body of the fungus, which the fungus sprouts as spore-producing appendages to spread its spores; the vegetative portion of the fungus remains underground. Mushrooms are cultivated for their nutritive and medicinal values. In traditional Nepalese food mushroom has relatively low priority due to number of misbelieves and low level of understanding. However, interestingly these days there is growing trend on consumption of mushroom because of its healthy benefits of very low cholesterol, low calorie and its fine taste. Several thousands of mushroom species known worldwide, only around 2 thousands are considered edible, of which about 20 are cultured commercially, with only 4 to 5 under industrial production. At present, Oyster and Button mushroom are easily available in the market but in future shiitake mushroom will also appear in Nepal market. The annual mushroom production is estimated at more than 233.4 Mt. for 2061/62 in Kathmandu valley. Due to their high market value, the fresh local produce fetches around Rs. 100 – 150 / kg. From the trends of past years, the demand and consumption of mushrooms is expected to continue increasing. Of the several varieties introduced and evaluated in the past, Pleurotus and Oyster were identified as being both economically viable and suited for local cultivation. Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC) and a few private organizations are the major resources centers for supplying the quality spawn to the farmer/growers. Now a day’s commercial cultivation of mushroom in Nepal is increasing rapidly. Mushroom has now been one of the major crops in Kathmandu valley and other part of country. The production of mushroom is increasing rapidly year after year.